Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Konbini Banzai 001

Hey guys, so konbini is Japanese for convenience store and this is the first in many installments of a random trip to the konbini. Trust me, theres so much wrong things to eat/drink in these stores, we'll need a 3 digit counter.

Today folks we're doing juice boxed! Why? Because its a huge section and staple of every konbini here in Tokyo.

First up we have "fruits olay," which is French for crap. Pretty much they mixed the buttery taste of milk with strong acidy flavors like oranges , and then did a 180 flacon punch into the sweetness of pineapple and apples.
If your a sweet and salty kind of guy ala kettlecorn, and would like drink said corn, then this might be your thing. 2/5, 2 bc the box wished me a meri kurisumisu.

Next we got "Break on the desk straight tea." nuff said, next!

"130% Apple Juice." that's right the Japanese found out a way to make your motts 100% apple juice taste like a mop's water juice. I was skeptical at first, but one sip and I was blown away by the apple richness found in this box! It's sweet but not sugar sweet, no this is all 130% natural. Wow. But one thing that irked me (and also compelled me to buy the thing), wtf is up with the trippy acid background and broad?! Ah Japanese marketing.

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